c++成员函数const_C ++中的const成员函数

news/2024/7/20 2:13:39 标签: c++, java, python, 小程序, ios


C ++常量成员函数 (C++ Const Member Functions)

A constant (const) member function can be declared by using const keyword, it is used when we want a function that should not be used to change the value of the data members i.e. any type of modification is not allowed with the constant member function.

常量(const)成员函数可以使用const关键字声明,当我们想要一个不应用于更改数据成员值的函数时,即使用常量 成员函数时,不能使用任何类型的修改。



Here, we have a class named "Numbers" with two private data members a and b and 4 member functions two are used as setter functions to set the value of a and b and 2 are constant members functions which are using as getter functions to get the value of a and b.

在这里,我们有一个名为“ Numbers”的类,具有两个私有数据成员a和b和4个成员函数,两个用作设置函数来设置a和b的值,而2是常量成员函数,用作getter函数来获取a和b的值。



#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Numbers
        int a;
        int b;
        Numbers() {a = 0; b = 0;}
        //setter functions to set a and b
        void set_a(int num1)
            a = num1;
        void set_b(int num2)
            b = num2;
        //getter functions to get value of a and b
        int get_a(void) const
            return a;
        int get_b(void) const
            return b;

//Main function
int main()
    //declaring object to the class
    Numbers Num;
    //set values
    //printing values
    cout<<"Value of a: "<<Num.get_a()<<endl;
    cout<<"Value of b: "<<Num.get_b()<<endl;
    return 0;



Value of a: 100
Value of b: 200

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/cpp-programs/const-member-functions.aspx





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