kotlin 接口继承_Kotlin程序| 接口内的继承示例

news/2024/7/20 1:21:26 标签: java, 接口, 多态, 小程序, 编程语言

kotlin 接口继承

接口内的继承 (Inheritance within Interface)

  • An Interface Derive from other interfaces.


  • The derived interface can override super interface members or declare new functions and properties


  • Kotlin class implementing such an interface are only need to define missing implementations


程序演示了Kotlin中接口内继承的示例 (Program demonstrate the example of Inheritance within Interface in Kotlin)

package com.includehelp

// Declare Interface
interface AA{
    // Abstract property
    val count:Int

    // Abstract methods
    fun sayHello()

    // Method with implementation
    fun sayGudMorning(){
        println("Gud Morning, IncludeHelp !!")

// Derived interface from another super interface
interface  BB:AA{
    // Abstract methods
    fun sayBye()

    // Override Interface abstract methods, 
    // declare into super interface
    override fun sayHello() {
        println("Hello, IncludeHelp !!")

// Declare class implementing interface
class IncludeHelp:BB{
    // Override abstract property
    override val count: Int
        get() = 100

    // Override Interface abstract methods
    override fun sayBye() {
        println("Gud Bye, IncludeHelp !!")

// Main function, entry point of program
fun main(){
    // Create instance of class
    val includeHelp = IncludeHelp()

    // Call method

    // Call method

    // Call method

    println("Abstract Property : ${includeHelp.count}")



Gud Morning, IncludeHelp !!
Hello, IncludeHelp !!
Gud Bye, IncludeHelp !!
Abstract Property : 100

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/kotlin/example-of-inheritance-within-interface.aspx

kotlin 接口继承




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