
news/2024/7/20 3:01:58 标签: 微信小程序, 小程序

摘 要
关 键 词:消防知识;每天学;小程序>微信小程序;java

Fire control is a matter that people need to attach great importance to in their daily life. Fire control safety is related to the safety of residents’daily life. By learning fire control knowledge, people can improve their daily life for disaster prevention. Through the investigation and research of the current college students, it is found that the current young people are relatively weak in fire control awareness, and have no awareness and prevention awareness of the potential safety hazards around them. These are caused by the current students’unfamiliar, unfamiliar with fire control safety knowledge and no systematic study of fire control safety knowledge. So at present, how to help students and residents of all walks of life to improve the learning level of fire control knowledge well, through the combination of WeChat applets to develop a daily learning of fire control knowledge, it is very convenient to use people’s fragmented leisure time, through reading fire control knowledge, conducting fire control knowledge answers to improve the mastery and understanding of fire control knowledge through task-based teaching methods. The applet also adds the function of fire alarm, which can help people to alarm online in time after the first time they find a potential security hazard. This background management is a computer-side management platform created by Java technology. This system platform can maintain and update online information well, and ensure that the information in the WeChat applet can be effectively updated in real time.

This topic time, can achieve a good publicity of fire control knowledge, through the participation of daily exercises to strengthen people’s interest in fire control knowledge. The overall design is complete and usable.

Key words: fire control knowledge; Learn every day; WeChat applet; Java

目 录
1 绪论 5
1.1 研究背景 5
1.2 研究现状 6
1.2.1 国外研究现状 6
1.2.2 国内研究现状 6
1.3 研究的意义 7
1.3.1 理论意义 7
1.3.2 实践意义 7
1.4 开发的技术介绍 7
1.4.1 小程序>微信小程序 7
1.4.2 JAVA语言 7
1.4.3 MySQL数据库 8
1.5 论文的结构 8
2 系统的需求及可行性分析 9
2.1 需求分析 9
2.1.1 功能性需求分析 9
2.1.2 非功能性需求 9
2.2 可行性分析 9
2.2.1 技术可行性 9
2.2.2 经济可行性 10
2.2.3 操作可行性 10
3 系统的总体设计 11
3.1 系统的总体框架设计 11
3.2 数据库的设计 12
3.2.1 数据库的概念设计 12
3.2.2 数据库的逻辑设计 13
4 系统的实现 15
4.1 消防知识每天学小程序后台管理界面 15
4.2 火灾常识的管理界面实现 15
4.3 火灾题目管理的实现 16
4.4 火灾报警管理的实现 17
4.5 小程序端的注册实现 17
4.6 消防知识每天学小程序首页的实现 18
4.7 小程序火灾报警的在线实现 18
4.8 小程序模拟练习的实现 19
5 系统的测试 20
5.1 测试的目的 20
5.2 测试的内容 20
5.3 测试的结果 21
6 结论与展望 22
6.1 结论 22
6.2 展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24




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