微信小程序中的 广播监听事件

news/2024/7/20 1:27:00 标签: 微信小程序, 小程序

定义 WxNotificationCenter.js  文件; 

 * author: Di (小程序>微信小程序开发工程师)
 * organization: WeAppDev(小程序>微信小程序开发论坛)(http://weappdev.com)
 *               垂直小程序>微信小程序开发交流社区
 * github地址: https://github.com/icindy/WxNotificationCenter
 * for: 小程序>微信小程序通知广播模式类,降低小程序之间的耦合度
 * detail : http://weappdev.com/t/wxnotificationcenter/233
//   存放
var __notices = [];
var isDebug = true;
 * addNotification
 * 注册通知对象方法
 * 参数:
 * name: 注册名,一般let在公共类中
 * selector: 对应的通知方法,接受到通知后进行的动作
 * observer: 注册对象,指Page对象
function addNotification(name, selector, observer) {
    if (name && selector) {
            // ("addNotification Warning: no observer will can't remove notice");
        var newNotice = {
            name: name,
            selector: selector,
            observer: observer


    } else {

 * 仅添加一次监听
 * 参数:
 * name: 注册名,一般let在公共类中
 * selector: 对应的通知方法,接受到通知后进行的动作
 * observer: 注册对象,指Page对象
function addOnceNotification(name, selector, observer) {
    if (__notices.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < __notices.length; i++) {
            var notice = __notices[i];
            if (notice.name === name) {
                if (notice.observer === observer) {
	this.addNotification(name, selector, observer)

function addNotices(newNotice) {
    // if (__notices.length > 0) {
    //     for (var i = 0; i < __notices.length; i++) {
    //         var hisNotice = __notices[i];
    //         //当名称一样时进行对比,如果不是同一个 则放入数组,否则跳出
    //         if (newNotice.name === hisNotice.name) {
    //             if (!cmp(hisNotice, newNotice)) {
    //                 __notices.push(newNotice);
    //             }
    //             return;
    //         }else{
    //             __notices.push(newNotice);
    //         }

    //     }
    // } else {
    // }


 * removeNotification
 * 移除通知方法
 * 参数:
 * name: 已经注册了的通知
 * observer: 移除的通知所在的Page对象

function removeNotification(name,observer) {
    for (var i = 0; i < __notices.length; i++){
      var notice = __notices[i];
      if(notice.name === name){
        if(notice.observer === observer){


 * postNotificationName
 * 发送通知方法
 * 参数:
 * name: 已经注册了的通知
 * info: 携带的参数

function postNotificationName(name, info) {
    if(__notices.length == 0){

    for (var i = 0; i < __notices.length; i++){
      var notice = __notices[i];
      if(notice.name === name){

// 用于对比两个对象是否相等
function cmp(x, y) {
    // If both x and y are null or undefined and exactly the same  
    if (x === y) {
        return true;

    // If they are not strictly equal, they both need to be Objects  
    if (! (x instanceof Object) || !(y instanceof Object)) {
        return false;

    // They must have the exact same prototype chain, the closest we can do is  
    // test the constructor.  
    if (x.constructor !== y.constructor) {
        return false;

    for (var p in x) {
        // Inherited properties were tested using x.constructor === y.constructor  
        if (x.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
            // Allows comparing x[ p ] and y[ p ] when set to undefined  
            if (!y.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
                return false;

            // If they have the same strict value or identity then they are equal  
            if (x[p] === y[p]) {

            // Numbers, Strings, Functions, Booleans must be strictly equal  
            if (typeof(x[p]) !== "object") {
                return false;

            // Objects and Arrays must be tested recursively  
            if (!Object.equals(x[p], y[p])) {
                return false;

    for (p in y) {
        // allows x[ p ] to be set to undefined  
        if (y.hasOwnProperty(p) && !x.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
            return false;
    return true;

module.exports = {
  addNotification: addNotification,
  removeNotification: removeNotification,
  postNotificationName: postNotificationName,
  addOnceNotification: addOnceNotification


var WxNotificationCenter = require("../../utils/WxNotificationCenter.js");

// 广播:

WxNotificationCenter.postNotificationName('广播的名字', '');    

// 监听

 var that = this;

WxNotificationCenter.addNotification('广播的名字', that.'要调用的方法' , that);



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