
news/2024/7/20 2:35:21 标签: 微信小程序, 小程序

摘 要

The design and implementation of wechat mini program for checking sleeping check-in and punching in
Nowadays, talent training has attracted the attention of all parties in the society. With the increasing attention, talent training is also a decisive requirement for the progress of today’s social development and enterprises. In the process of talent training, the most important thing is the problem of talent safety in the process of training. In order to further the cultivation of talents, many colleges and universities implement the check-in system to ensure and protect the safety of students at school, through some technology and means to achieve the dormitory check-in mode, through the means of network information to achieve online check-in and online management of student information and other operations. This more quickly solve the problem of students in school safety, but also further promote the rapid development of information personnel training work management. Compared with the previous school check-in work, there are many problems and limitations. In terms of checking and signing in, only the relevant staff or members of the student union can check and punch the dormitory every day. In this process, there are certain limitations and inefficiency, among which there are some problems such as improper management and untimely management. The safety management of students in school has been hindered to some extent. In the aspects of student information, attendance and student leave management, there will be some information feedback is not timely and inaccurate, and in this process is often accompanied by information insecurity and inefficient problems, facing the growing population of college students in colleges and universities, some management work during the period of students also face great challenges and difficulties. The relevant management personnel of the school also face the increasingly heavy workload and student information. The use of the previous management of students in school often leads to errors in the statistics and records of information, which causes certain difficulties for the subsequent management of students in school. However, the management of students in school through information management can not only avoid the occurrence of these errors, but also further simplify the management process of bedtime check, leave and attendance. On the one hand, the expenditure of manpower and material resources is saved, and on the other hand, the related management process of students in school is simplified. Improve the speed of information management feedback, better promote the development of information management work in students.
Key words: Personnel training; Inefficiency; Student safety management at school


1 绪论 1
1.课题背景 1
2.目的和意义 1
2系统开发环境 2
2.1Java编程技术 2
2.2 BS体系结构 2
2.3 mysql数据库 2
2.4运行环境 3
3 系统分析 4
3.1 可行性分析 4
3.1.1 技术可行性 4
3.1.2操作可行性 4
3.1.3 经济可行性 4
3.1.4业务流程可行性分析 5
3.2系统功能的需求分析 5
4系统设计 7
4.1 功能结构设计 7
4.2 系统数据库设计 7
4.2.1数据库详细设计 7
5系统功能实现 9
5.1前台设计 9
5.2后台界面 12
6系统测试 14
6.1软件测试 14
6.2软件步骤 14
结 论 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18




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