
news/2024/7/20 2:17:48 标签: 微信小程序, 汽车, 小程序

摘 要

关键词:小程序>微信小程序;JSP; MYSQL;新能源汽车信息;MD5加密;
At present, the global energy and ecological environment are facing a severe test. Energy conservation and emission reduction have become the key measure for China’s energy and environmental problems. At the same time, with the rising fuel prices, the development of new energy vehicles has been rapid. The recognition and popularity of new energy vehicles have been increasing, and the understanding and popularization of new energy vehicle information has also become the current main demand. With the help of online platforms and mobile phone applications, more and more vehicle introduction applications have been developed, such as the familiar platforms of Autohome and Autocar, It provides users with very detailed vehicle information, but these platforms can only be used after downloading the corresponding APP.
In combination with the increasing demand for new energy vehicles at present, in order to provide more professional new energy vehicle information to potential consumers, the development and design of the service platform is based on the WeChat applet terminal. WeChat applet can achieve small program applications with the help of the WeChat platform, without additional downloading of applications and covering a wider range, By using the new energy vehicle information platform to provide users with basic information about new energy vehicles, including the currently popular new energy vehicle brands, model introductions, car surroundings and other information, and by evaluating and pushing new vehicle listing information, online purchase of new energy peripheral products can be realized through the platform. Considering the security of data and the privacy of personal information, The system platform uses MD5 encryption settings to hide user passwords, purchase records and other private information during the login phase. Through the development and design of WeChat applet, targeted introduction of new energy vehicle information is made to facilitate the acquisition of user information and the purchase of surrounding goods.

Keywords: WeChat applet; JSP; MYSQL; New energy vehicle information; MD5 encryption
目 录
1 开发背景与开发环境 1
1.1 开发背景 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容及意义 2
2 系统开发工具介绍 3
2.1 小程序>微信小程序简介 3
2.2 JSP技术 3
2.3 MYSQL简介 3
3 需求分析与设计 4
3.1 系统需求分析 4
3.2 系统功能分析 4
3.3 系统功能结构图 5
3.4 系统流程分析 5
4 数据库设计 6
4.1 数据库概念结构设计 6
4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 6
5 系统的详细设计与实现 8
5.1 系统后台登录页面 8
5.2 新能源汽车信息后台页面 8
5.3 车辆信息管理页面 9
5.4 汽车周边商品管理页面 9
5.5小程序首页信息页面 9
5.6 车辆信息页面 10
5.7 汽车周边商品页面 11
5.8 购物车页面 11
6 系统测试 12
6.1 测试目的 12
6.2 测试方法 12
6.3 测试结果 12
结束语 13
致 谢 14
主要参考文献 15



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