
news/2024/7/20 3:28:38 标签: python, java, linux, 小程序, c++


Programming is one of the easiest professions to take without any previous training or background. But when you are an entirely self-taught programmer/developer you can end up with some bad habits that are some times hard to kick off.

编程是没有任何先前培训或背景的最简单的职业之一。 但是,当您是一个完全自学成才的程序员/开发人员时,您可能会遇到一些不好的习惯,而这些习惯有时很难奏效。

When we talk about habits, we know that not all habits are good. The bad habits are basically the negative behavior pattern that keeps you away from accomplishing your dreams, whereas good habits are those that helps you achieve your goals.

当我们谈论习惯时,我们知道并非所有习惯都是好的。 坏习惯基本上是使您远离实现梦想的负面行为模式,而好习惯则是可以帮助您实现目标的习惯。

‘’ The best way to predict your future is to create it — Abraham Lincoln

''预测未来的最好方法就是创造未来-亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)

Developers who are highly successful in life are because they practice some good habits of successful developers regularly which other people don’t. So, if habits are that successful, then why not we should adopt all these good habits of highly successful developers and list ourselves among successful developers.

一生中非常成功的开发人员是因为他们定期养成一些成功的开发人员良好的习惯,而其他人则没有。 因此,如果习惯是成功的,那为什么不应该采用高度成功的开发人员的所有这些好习惯,并将自己列为成功的开发人员。

Here is a list of 5 habits of successful developers that are common among them.


爱编码 (Love To Code)

This may sound a little simplistic or funny, but it’s a crucial point. Someone who is good at whatever work he does, he’s the one who loves that kind of work too. You can’t be able to write good code or develop good software if you do not love doing it. Someone once said: “code is poetry”, because writing code is truly an art.

这听起来有些简单或有趣,但这是关键。 擅长任何工作的人,他也是喜欢这种工作的人。 如果您不喜欢这样做,则将无法编写好的代码或开发好的软件。 有人曾经说过: “代码就是诗歌” ,因为编写代码确实是一门艺术。

So, in order to get better at writing code, simply start to love writing code more. Try to feel passionate about digging into the code mechanics, and explore more the good-feeling sensations that come with seeing your own creations in action in many different environments!

因此,为了更好地编写代码,只需开始更喜欢编写代码。 尝试对深入研究代码机制充满热情,并探索在许多不同环境中看到自己的创作在实践中带来的愉悦感!

有效的时间管理 (Effective Management Of Time)

The best software engineer can both code and work as managers of their own time. Most developers are left alone to complete the difficult tasks that require deep thinking and planning. A good engineer knows how to avoid these distractions and maximize their time where they produce the most output.

最好的软件工程师既可以编写代码,也可以担任自己的时间经理。 大多数开发人员被独自完成需要深入思考和计划的艰巨任务。 优秀的工程师知道如何避免这些干扰,并最大限度地利用它们来产生最大的产出。

用代码开始新的一天 (Start Your Day With Code)

When you wake up fresh in the morning, your mind has had time overnight to ponder any problems you were trying to solve yesterday. Try to capitalize on that fresh perspective by working with your code immediately when you sit down to start your workday — even if it is just for 20 minutes. Give yourself a time limit to explore your code, and THEN switch over to finally opening up your email for the first time, or attending a meeting. Do this every day, and it will become a really effective habit.

当您早晨醒来时,您的头脑已经有整夜的时间来思考您昨天试图解决的任何问题。 坐下来开始工作时,立即尝试使用代码来尝试利用这种新的观点-即使只是20分钟。 给自己一个时间来探索您的代码,然后切换到最终第一次打开您的电子邮件或参加会议。 每天这样做,这将成为一个真正有效的习惯。

By starting your day with code, you prevent your fresh mind from being distracted with all of the other demands that are non-technical and will allow you to ride that wave of cognitive focus and energy. Seriously, this code-first-email-after approach changed the game for my programming problem-solving skills and gave me a reason to actually look forward to mornings at work.

通过以代码开始新的一天,可以防止您的新思维被所有非技术性的需求分散注意力,并使您能够驾驭那波认知焦点和精力。 认真地讲,这种先代码后发电子邮件的方法改变了我的编程问题解决技能,使我有理由真正期待上班的早上。

不要重复自己(干) (Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY))

There are hundreds of habits developers should follow, but possibly the most popular is DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself.


This common principle states that “Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.” Or in simpler terms, don’t use the same code in multiple places, and avoid doing the same thing with two different pieces of code.

这个共同原则指出:“每条知识在系统中必须具有单一,明确,权威的表示形式。” 或者用更简单的术语来说,不要在多个地方使用相同的代码,并避免对两个不同的代码段执行相同的操作。

个人项目 (Personal Projects)

It is impossible for one person to keep up the pace of technology on all fronts. Even if you are working on cutting-edge technology, there are many more tech frontiers that you are not exploring or learning. Personal learning and independent projects add great value to your career as a programmer.

一个人不可能跟上各个方面的技术步伐。 即使您正在研究最先进的技术,您也不会探索或学习更多的技术前沿。 个人学习和独立项目为您的程序员职业生涯增添了巨大价值。

In summary, for people who want to take their game to the next level in Programming or Developing, you should take some minutes to reflect on your habits. It’s those habits that set the tone for your day and for your life, in the long run, reflect on them and work on them to get most out of your precious time.

总之,谁愿意拿自己的游戏到一个新的水平在编程或开发人员,你应该花几分钟来思考你的习惯。 从长远来看,正是这些习惯为您的日常生活和生活定下了基调,对它们进行反思并努力加以利用,以充分利用您的宝贵时间。

Love what you do if you don’t love what you are doing then there is no point in doing that and wasting your time. When you start loving your work then it doesn't feel like a job or a headache. Time management is the absolute key. The value you time and don’t let social media and stuff waste your time. Do your own project to be on top of your game all the time by keeping up the pace of technology on all fronts.

爱你所做的事情,如果你不喜欢自己正在做的事情,那么这样做和浪费时间是没有意义的。 当您开始喜欢工作时,就不会感到工作或头痛。 时间管理是绝对关键。 您珍惜时间,而不会让社交媒体和其他东西浪费您的时间。 通过跟上各个方面的技术步伐,始终将自己的项目置于游戏的顶端。

Next time before you sit in front of your computer for making a fancy algorithm for your Project or any Website for your Clint make sure to follow these habits to lift up your work pace and be more effective and successful.


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/5-habits-of-most-effective-self-taught-programmers-developers-6cdfb92854c5







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